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May 1, 2019
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January 8, 2021Did you know that there is now an Early Learning Centre for the youngest members of Big White Ski Resort?

Big White is constantly growing and so is their community. With growth, however, comes challenges. Now that families are actually moving to Big White and living there all year ‘round, there’s a strong need for child care. The Big White Mountain Community Association has risen to that challenge with a gofundme page to raise $5,000 toward their overall goal of $40,000 to get the Big White Mountain Early Learning Centre officially running. They already have approved space within the community school, a fabulous teacher, and the initial permit is in place!
After 2 years of dedicated volunteer work, Big White is launching the Early Learning Centre this fall and Insure Wealth helped get them over the $5,000 benchmark with a $1,000 donation last week.
“This will be a fantastic addition to the mountain’s amenities” notes the Early Learning Centre gofundme me page; “allowing new families to move here, businesses to grow with new employees, real estate to sell, and our youngest residents to have a quality pre-school experience without leaving the mountain”
During the donation presentation and photo shoot with Jason Netherton, CEO of Insure Wealth and his team, the Loose Moose, Rob Crichton, Sales Manager at Big White Ski Resort, and Jude Brunt, VP of the Big White Mountain Community Association (among her many duties), Jude told us that “All the donations are going 100% towards the early learning centre operating costs and it helps Big White Mountain get their families settled and taken care of.”
Brunt also told us that they have 3 programs starting this September and they will be running all the way through to June. The Learning Centre will cater to the 18 to 35 month olds, with another program catering to 3 to 5 year olds.
When Insure Wealth wanted to get involved with Big White for the second year in a row, we were excited to learn of this new venture and thrilled to help them get up and running. Now we’re encouraging others support this important initiative as well; especially if you enjoy all that Big White Ski Resort has to offer!
After the the Learning Center has been running for one year, they will be eligible for various grants to help them keep registration fees affordable and sustainable for Big White families.
If you would like to donate to the Big White Mountain Early Learning Centre, please CLICK HERE.