Having a game plan for your financial future is as important as the blue print in building your dream home. While taking the initiative to plan for the future and save money to fund your retirement goals is a great start, there are plenty of additional planning items to take a look at.
Our goal at Insure Wealth is to help plan your insurance and investment needs to best fit you, your family, or your business. Let us shop the market place for you, so you don't have to!
Our Service. Your Goals. Your Plan.
Insure Wealth offers investment planning for your RRSP’s, TFSA’s, and non-registered accounts. We utilize customized programs to search over 9000 investment funds to narrow down a handful of solid reputable investment choices. Our philosophy is that most of investors are unsure about their investment choices and typically fit the profile of conservative-balanced investors.
Planning for retirement is not easy. That’s why you have an Advisor! Schedule a personal planning session with us and we can review to see if you are on the right track. If you’re not, don’t worry, we can show you how to get on track and make the most of your working years.
Calculating the amount you need for retirement may be confusing or seem far out of reach. What many people don’t know is that for a small monthly budget you can access thousands of dollars that will compound at a faster rate than you expected. We review many options with you in a personal planning session.
When the markets are performing well, it is easy to get caught up in the successful performance and returns you may be getting. However, during down markets (such as we saw in 2000 and 2008), many are uneasy in losing any of their hard-earned money. By using Segregated Funds, we only provide advice and products that that offer guarantees on your principle investment and creditor protection.

Segregated Funds vs. Mutual Funds
- Segregated funds have unique features that make them different from mutual funds.
- Segregated funds fall under the Insurance Act, giving them guarantees similar to those of insurance products.
- Segregated funds have a lifetime income benefit option. This means your income won’t decrease regardless of how the segregated fund performs unless excess withdrawals are taken. You get protection against the risk of outliving your money, market volatility, and inflation.
- Segregated funds have creditor protection. Laws may protect segregated funds in the event of bankruptcy or other action by creditors. This protection cannot be guaranteed as it depending on court decisions and provincial laws.
- Segregated funds have maturity guarantees. The guarantees provided are either 75% or 100% of the money deposited depending on the product. These guarantees allow you to plan more effectively for life events, such as your retirement.
- Segregated funds have death benefit guarantees. There is a principle guarantee in the event of death, usually 75% or 100% depending on the product.
- Segregated funds allow you to name a beneficiary. You can name your estate, children, spouse, charity, or another person or organization you see fit.
- Segregated funds provide estate settlement. This can help speed up estate settlement, as death benefit is not subject to delays and expenses of the probate process as it is paid directly to the beneficiary.
RRSP: Registered Retirement Savings Plan
An RRSP is a personal savings plan registered with the Canadian Federal Government allowing you to save for the future with a tax-sheltered investment.
Have you topped up your RRSP with the currently monthly budget you are working with? Any deposits (within the allowable room) into your RRSP are deducted from annual income. This can help lower your taxes. If you are under 72 years of age and earning income, we encourage you to take advantage of the benefits that an RRSP can offer.
TFSA: Tax-Free Savings Account
A TFSA is a savings account that allows you to grow your savings tax-free. TFSA withdrawals are also not considered taxable income (unlike RRSP’s). Have you fully topped up your TFSA? Interest that grows inside your account is not considered part of the maximum deposit allowed. Follow this link to see the most current contribution room allowed. Please note that if you have made deposits to a TFSA in the past, you must consult your CRA account to see your personal contribution room allowed http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/tfsa-celi/cntrbtn-eng.html
RESP: Registered Education Savings Plan
An RESP is an investment registered with the Canadian Federal Government. The investment grows tax-free and is eligible for grants (free money!) from the government for your child to use for post-secondary education
As a parent, your child’s education is one of your top priorities. Unfortunately, government funding to universities is dropping and post-secondary institutions are making up the shortfall by raising student fees. By setting aside education funds for your child now, you can grow the funds tax-free until they withdrawal the funds for post-secondary studies and maximize your savings by receiving grants from the government.
Your Financial Future's In Good Hands
Our goal at Insure Wealth is to help your insurance and investment needs to best fit you, your family, or your business.